Old news
Old news from the old homepage.
I have corrected some missspelings and obvious errors. (2004-11-04)
2004-08-04 SourceForge
A new SourceForge project have been registered for Junctioneer. I plan to use SF.net for downloads(including source), and later make a website only for Junctioneer hosted on SF.net. A project speffic website will simplify the navigation both for Junctioneer, and for this personal webpage.
Link to SourceForge hosted project.
2004-06-29 New version
Version is now available for download.
Some buggfixes and some new stuff, read the ChangeLog which is incluided in the package.
2004-06-22 Name
To everyone who have missed: Jam was renamed Junctioneer earlier this month.
For some reson I have forgoten to post a news item about it. However I have changed from jam to junctioneer on serval places on this website.
To people who link to this page or use bookmarks: Your old links/bookmarks should work. However there is no guarantee it will work in future. Webadmins, please update your links.
2004-06-09 Project description
Here is a suggestion for a new project description:
Junctioneer is a junction simulator. The user can easy build a fancy junction out of provided modules, write the scripts for
the traffic lights, and test the super complex junction with traffic.
As always I am happy to get feedback from you.
2004-06-08 Is lua the ultimate choose?
I've written a text about the future problems with lua and a suggestion, how to solve them.
2004-06-05 New version
Version is now uploaded. It should have been available earlier, however now you don't need to wait more.
2004-05-20 Guestbook + Name discussing
Posting enabled. I've addad IP logging.
Please don't write any abuse messages, It only takes energy to delete them. To mutch abuse, and I'll close it again.
There is an intresting discussion at tt-forums about a new name for this game.
2004-05-13 Updating with som info
I'm happy to publish a text about project history and my visions and dreams with this project. You'll find it at the about page.
I haven't got any name sugestions from you. My current fealings goes for the name "Junction Simulator" or maybe "Junction Manager". But I am happy to get your feadback if you have a better sugestion or if you dislike my sugestions. I have to choose a name in a week or two.
2004-05-06 Gustbook closed
I've got to mutch spam in the gustbook, so for the moment posting is blocked.
2004-04-10 Source code
I've decided to use the GPL licence.
Source is available, click at download.
2004-03-30 Name
Currently the name of this project is Jam. Jam does not describe the game verry well and it has to many hits in the search engines.
I hope you have som ideas for a name. If so, please make a note in the guestbook.
2004-03-13 Free Software?
I may write a digital design doc, and turn this project into a free software project. Before I start to do that I'll be pleased to here your thoghts. Will you wana join this project? Will you prefere English or Swedish? Please write down your thoghts in the guestbook or use my contact form.
2004-02-20 Please, help with spellcheck
I need help to verify spelling on this page. Please send your comments via the contact form. Thanks.
2004-01-14 Isoview2c
The iso engine has almost been rewriten. Now it will alow serval viewpoints, smother scrolling and change size of view without restart.
I've begun to use lua, a script engine, for serval purposes. I hope that it will make the game more costomizeable.
I''ve posed a new screenshot, check out the graphics page.
2004-01-01 Test
Just testing the new news function.